Category: Baby and Toddler Food
I strictly believe in the age old theory that mother's milk is best for the baby until the age of 6 months! These are a few recipes which can be given to babies and toddlers once solids are started, gradually. Upto the age of one year, great caution needs to be exercised in terms of what needs to be fed to a baby. Many of these recipes are suitable after 2 years of age. And the ones featured below are those that have passed the test from my finicky toddler. I also happen to be one of those parents who is obsessed with feeding her child, whole grain, fresh and healthy food without artificial preservatives and additives. And that is why some of the recipes, especially those that contain ingredients like plain flour are those rare occasional treats which I believe are also important to get the baby used to the real world. Please note that there is no clear demarcation between baby and toddler recipes, so I suggest you to use your discretion before deciding what to feed your child! Food allergies, intolerances, likes and dislkes also need to be kept in mind!