Ice cream has some magical quality in it. It can uplift our senses, instill a feeling of happiness and give a great feeling of contentment.
Making ice cream at home is something that I have been deeply passionate about for a long time now, but somehow luck has been evading me when it comes to the ice cream maker.
About 8 years ago, my husband got me one of the most popular ice cream makers from the states. When I was all set to make ice cream using a transformer to make up for the difference in the standard voltage here in India vis a vis the voltage in the US, the ice cream maker crashed! And to make matters worse, I couldn’t find anyone to repair it. And to make matters worse, when I emailed Cuisinart recently if they can rectify my piece since I guess there was an office in India, there was no response from them.
And just as I was about to give up my quest for ice cream making at home (at least temporarily), the ice cream Gods smiled upon me and sent me the Kitchenif ice cream maker.
But there were some more obstacles to overcome before I saw a mound of ice cream emerging from my ice cream maker. Try as I might, I couldn’t succeed in turning the state of the batch of liquid ingredients into ice. After a series of discussions with the extremely helpful Kitchenif team, I figured that the culprit was my freezer.
To make ice cream from an ice cream maker, you need a temperature of -18C and my freezer temperature was just about -5C. This temperature was good enough to freeze ice but not strong enough to freeze the bowl of my ice cream maker. I finally got the freezer rectified and proceeded with my ice cream making venture.
I cant express in words how happy I was, to see my first batch of frozen ice cream in an ice cream maker.
Since Hari wanted chocolate ice cream, I made one batch of Vanilla Chocolate Chip Ice cream and another batch of plain Chocolate Ice Cream. And the best part about this was feeding my child ice cream made with good ingredients and without any artificial flavours and preservatives.
The ice cream maker gives a soft serve ice cream and if you prefer a completely frozen batch, then you will have to freeze the ice cream again. The October heat in Mumbai made sure that the ice cream started to melt before I could get the perfect pictures.
I'm going to be experimenting and playing around with other flavours and textures soon. And also post pictures of perfectly frozen ice cream. Just the very vision of it in my mind as I concoct the possible flavours and combinations makes me so happy! So stay tuned for more ice cream recipes around here.
This ice cream maker can be bought from Amazon, India.
Vanilla Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Recipe
200 ml (3/4th cup) hot milk
50 gm (¼ cup) sugar
200 ml (3/4th cup) cream
½ tsp pure vanilla extract
50 gm ( ¼ cup) chocolate (grated)
50 gm ( ¼ cup) chocolate chips
Stir the sugar into the milk until it dissolves completely. Put in the cream and vanilla extract. Place in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours or for 30 minutes in the freezer.
When you are ready to make ice cream, place the chilled bowl into the ice cream maker and follow the manufacturers instructions to make ice cream.
Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe
80 gm (1/3 cup) sugar
200 ml (3/4 cup) whole milk
35 gm (1/3 cup) cocoa
200 ml (3/4 cup) cream
½ tsp pure vanilla extract
With the help of a hand blender, mix the sugar into the milk until it dissolves completely. (Alternatively, stir the sugar into hot milk and allow to cool completely)
Once the sugar dissolves into the milk completely, add the rest of the ingredients, the cocoa powder, cream and vanilla extract. Mix well and place the bowl in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours until chilled. You can also keep the bowl in the freezer for 30 minutes.
Once the ice cream mixture is chilled, follow the manufacturers instructions to make ice cream.
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thank you for icecream receipe, I wanted to try homemade ice cream but
Waiting for your full proof receipe. But I dnt hav icecream maker so can I make
It in freezer ? What should I do for dat?
Poonam: Yes, you can freeze but then you will have to grind the frozen mixture and freeze again until set to make the ice cream smooth.
I thank you for icecream receipe. Kindly send me details of eggless macrons recipe and inform me which T.V.channel your program will telecast.
Kindly tell which cocoa powder did u use for chocolate ice cream
I use whatever is available. You can use Hesheys, Cadbury's or Hintz.